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Showing posts from July, 2017

The Obligatory (Not) E3 2023 Round-Up, Part 2: Sifting through the Slop

Alright, it's been a while but we're back again to cover the PC Gaming Show, the Xbox Showcase and the Ubisoft Forward. After this, that's it, that's all, we're done here. PC Gaming Show The Most Questionable Stuff 3. Road to Vostok (???) Choosing to look down on a game for overt familiarity from the word ‘go’, even if all it has done at this point is have its existence announced to the world, is not inherently an act to be proud of. Much of gaming iterates and builds upon what came before, much of the medium as it stands (for good or ill) exists because someone looked at a past work and were inspired to develop their own take on the material. How many excellent games would cease to be if people decided that “it’s just a clone of X” was a valid argument in itself? I establish this now to make it clear that I do not roll my eyes at Road to Vostok for taking the form of a sparsely-populated shooter set in a post-apocalyptic wilderness area… but rather because it loo

Talking 'Bout E3

Ah, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, the game industry's yearly tradition of indulgence in lengthy conferences, flashy trailers that might not be representative of the final games, and awkward pauses... lots of awkward pauses. If nothing else, it gives Internet writers like yours truly the opportunity to snark and gape in equal measure, while cherishing those rare moments where something genuinely good happens. I'm going to take a slightly different approach than my peers, though - rather than handing out "Best X" awards to specific games or talking about each conference in turn, we're instead going to celebrate the highs and lows of E3 as a whole ... byyyyyyyyy handing out "Best" and "Worst" awards. Same difference. BEST PRESENTER Winner: Janina Gavankar Electronic Arts' conference was defined in large part by discomfort and lack of effort. If the fixation on EA's new Game Changers  program didn't strike you as we